Monday 18 June 2012

"Tis a miracle!"

As posted on here a few weeks ago, my lovely friend Nuala's fine but quite senior black cat, Simba, disappeared from her backyard on the Ormeau Road area of Belfast in mid-April. He's seventeen and on regular medication; also pretty much a home-loving cat who doesn't really want to go out. As the days ticked by, things looked bleak for Simba without shelter and his meds.
Well, Simba is back home and still very much going strong! Nuala received a telephone call from a chap in West Belfast saying he'd found Simba - Nuala had leafleted and put up posters. Although initially in a bad way, Simba is making a good recovery; and he's reunited with his teddy, and quite possibly Nuala's red shoes too.
Purrfect news x

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